Spev o krvi: — ký divý pomysel!? —

A o akej? — Ak o tej, ktorá žiari

sťa ruže kvet, pýr studu v dievčej tvári,

či jejž crk u decka v smev zabronel,

keď v snách ho láska anjel-pestiteľ;

alebo o tej, čo sa s duchom spári

u veštca v zápal čela na oltári:

tak nech by spev, nech plným dúškom znel!


im the webmaster of this marvelous site , your dearest internet penpal :-D ! you can call me julian .

i really like to draw, write, create in general, read books, watch movies and series, chat with my friends and my partner, think about life and take long walks by myself .

im also interested in the world wide web, psychology (how the human brain works), dreams, relationships, day to day life, music, poetry, art, basically a lot of things . im also open to discussions and love hearing about other peoples opinions and interests !

if youd ever want to talk with me, my mail is : kvetinacovymuz@gmail.com

a lot of the artworks and comics hosted on this website wont be in english , but translators exist ! i want to inspire people , show them my work . hopefully youll enjoy at least some of my creations ^_^

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stamps !